A stressful week at kindi

Friday, January 5, 2007

I had a stressful week. Jesse's week at the kindi did not turn out that good. He cried a river or tears when teacher Lavender asked me to leave the room. By the third day all the parents were out of the vicinity of the classroom except yours truly. Jesse insisted that I stay. When I left, he wailed. That had a ripple effect on the other children. One by one the kids started to cry.

I was out of the room and my heart broke when I heard how he screamed for his "ahmie" and requested for some "neno", Jesse's version of milk. Sigh, no one could understand my boy. Then he decided enough was enough, he went for his school bag and headed for the door. My son caused a riot as other kids decided to follow the gang leader, of course teacher Lavender stopped him.

I witness the whole ordeal and I am still shaken and stressed out. The kindi allowed parents to accompany their kids until today. By Monday Jesse has to go to kindi without his "ahmie". It will really break my heart if he cries for the whole 3 hours. I just have to let go and trust the teachers, that is what they tell the parents.

Right now I need some alcohol and shopping (all expense paid by the husband).

Posted by Mae at 11:07 PM  


January 6, 2007 at 12:09 AM
Anonymous said...

Aw, the kindi shouldn't really rush the kids! Different kids take different times to settle in. By one point, they'd have so much fun they'd forget the parent at the side, and that's the time to sneak away! You're a nice mum by the way, my mum never went with me to kindi school! She just bribed me with a sugus sweet.

  January 6, 2007 at 1:32 AM
Anonymous said...

i dun agree u shud let Jesse cried 4 3 hrs everyday till he get used 2 it, it is so bad 4 his health or even colapse from too much air & too dry throat 4 crying out so long!!!!!!

i think u should remove the kindi and find a kindi tat allows the child's comfort time 2 part wif the parents...

  January 6, 2007 at 1:48 PM
Anonymous said...

Poor kiddo. Yea..Lil Jesse is abit young...not yet 3 right? I started my No.1 at his 4th year only. It's tough on the parents. Just watch his behaviour on Monday onwards to see whether or not he is reluctant to attend school. If he is, maybe you want to re-consider...?

  January 6, 2007 at 6:57 PM
Wildflower said...

I am an avid reader of James's blog. Don't worry to much about Jesse.. He'll do great.. :D , in my first week of kindi I cried, by the 2nd week I was okie. Soon, he'll be telling you " 'ahmie' go home , Jesse want to play"

  January 6, 2007 at 11:28 PM
Anonymous said...

If it comforts you, my 3rd child Tjia-Yi (at 2 years 5 months) cried for a full 2 weeks when we introduced her to kindi. She was fighting and kicking all the way there. At the entrance of the school the teacher had to take over the fighting and kicking from the Auntie who fetched her to school...I was so stressed up and by the end of week two I couldnt take it anymore and called Teacher Lavender (Yes! Its the same teacher!) and told her I wanted out, or rather my daughter wanted out. She told me not to worry because it was just a passing phase and Tjia-Yi will be fine very soon. Guess what? Day one of week 3, my dear little daughter happily put on her uniform and shoes, hugged me and blew good-bye kisses all the way to the car. And it has been "happily ever after" since then. She turns seven this year and insisted that she could handle day 1 in Standard One without us tagging along.

  January 7, 2007 at 3:38 PM
Anonymous said...

Mae, my experience as a mother was somewhat similar to yours, probably much worse. I went home and cried like a baby myself, so I understand a mother's heartbreak.

Every child is different. Some are ready, some take much longer to be ready.

Only you know your own child. Only you know if he is ready.

In my own case, if I could turn back the clock 9 years, I most certainly would not have enrolled him into childcare until he was at least 5 years old. He had only just turned 2 when he started spending 3 afternoons a week at the childcare centre.

My child no longer remembers his first day at the childcare centre (or kindy). Thank God for that.

Call me sensitive but to this day, I cannot erase the pain the memories still bring me, neither can I assuage the horrible guilt that still lingers even now.

The emotional impact is just so overwhelming.

I hope it turns out better for you than it did for me. My child took weeks to settle, and even after that he much preferred home to kindy.

  January 7, 2007 at 4:53 PM
Anonymous said...

most parents do have a stressful time with their kids' first day at kindy so don't worry you are not alone. well take consolation in what jean posted - i'm sure in due time jesse would get used to kindy and stop crying all together.

btw mae, i only learn of your blog today when i went to james' blog. we had met before at the PPS 2nd anniversary bash. remember?

i'm glad that as james mentioned you are blogging on vanity - because i am vain too! haha. i had made a response at the eyebrow embroidery post and the facial post.

  January 7, 2007 at 8:34 PM
Mae said...

Ms tan - Thanks, maybe I shd try your mom's method of bribery : )

Ah Moi - That crossed my mind. I just have to see how Jesse takes it next week

Don't know la Jason, most of his kindi mates are his age and they're doing fine.

Yalah, that's what I intend to do Mott, watch and see then decide.

Thanks for dropping by wildflower. I will be praying for that day to come FAST.

Hi Jean, thanks for your encouragement. I always saw Tjia-Yi to be a strong and independent girl. I suppose that is how they turn out to be after attending JC.

Caprice, that was such a heart breaking experience. Yes I do pray that Jesse will be able to adapt and I won't be so kiasu as to force him to stay if he doesn't want to.

Thanks Lucia for dropping by, of course I remember you, btw I read your blog as well (secretly and quietly; )

  January 7, 2007 at 10:43 PM
Josette said...

Poor kid. It breaks my heart to see small kids cry. Those pitiful little souls. And little Jesse is only 2?

I saw your blog in PPS by the way.

  January 7, 2007 at 11:09 PM
stevo said...

Hi Ah Ling. I was reading this entry poker-faced until that bit when he went for his schoolbag and headed for the door. That got me! That was worth
one sad movie ticket...

  January 8, 2007 at 12:23 PM
Mumsgather said...

Hiya Mae,
You know I have no experience in this so I am not qualified to comment but some of my friends or sisters relate to me their experience that their kids always cry in front of the mummy but the moment the mommies leave, the tears dry up and they have forgotten all about us. They don't cry 3-4 hours as we imagine they would. I can imagine how stressed up you must be feeling.

BTW, I scolded James already for not informing his readers about your blog earlier. Heheh.

  January 8, 2007 at 2:42 PM
Mae said...

Jossette thanks for dropping by. Jesse will be turning 3 in Aug. The environment at the kindi during the first week was quite chaotic as you can hear children big and small crying :(

Stevo, you can make a short movie about your melodrama nephew.

Hi mumsgather, that was what my mom in law said, Jesse always manja in front of me, but that day at kindi, I wasn't with him for about 1 hr, I heard him fm outside cry for about 45mins. Btw thanks for dropping by.

  January 8, 2007 at 11:25 PM
stevo said...

That's a great idea Ah Ling! I'll make him a child star. Then little girls will want to lose their virginity to him and little boys will him all their toys...


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